Rostyslav Melnychuk

Lviv, Ukraine

Professional Summary

As an experienced Principal engineer, I bring a strong skill set that covers a wide range of technologies and frameworks. With expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, Nodejs, React, Nextjs, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and Docker, I am well-equipped to handle diverse projects and deliver exceptional results.

Employment History

Principal JavaScript Engineer @ Intellias
Jun 2023 – current

I currently hold the position of Principal Engineer on the MHP agricultural project, with the primary goal of enhancing agricultural planning by utilizing various data sources such as satellite data, sensors, and weather information. Our technology stack comprises Node.js, MySQL, Redis, Angular 14, and RxJS. The project has presented notable challenges, including performance issues, legacy code, and unclear criteria, which we address by adhering to the Scrum methodology and maintaining a close-knit team for effective problem-solving.

My main responsibilities involve overseeing the development of the "Actualization System," an integral feature that integrates real-time data into the planning model. I'm also tasked with optimizing system performance and code quality. Notable achievements include significant improvements through SQL optimization, promise enhancement, and leveraging Chrome DevTools for performance enhancements. Our ongoing efforts include implementing microfrontends for modularity. Those changes allowed us to achieve performance boost from 50% to 400% which saves up to 40s api response.

Senior/Principal JavaScript Engineer @ Intellias
Jan 2020 – Jun 2023

I specialize in the development of predictive maintenance software for industrial plants and manufacturers. My responsibilities primarily revolve around the customer-side application within our comprehensive solutions. I've been an integral part of this project since its inception, allowing me to contribute to various aspects with significant improvements:

  • Architectural Design: I played a pivotal role in shaping the application's architecture, utilizing optimization techniques such as efficient data caching, asynchronous loading, and intelligent resource management. These techniques collectively led to a substantial ~40% performance improvement.
  • State Management Enhancement: Instead of relying on Redux, I made the strategic decision to adopt React-Query, eliminating the need for redundant Redux boilerplate and enabling us to focus more on addressing core business requirements, leading to a remarkable ~30% increase in efficiency.
  • UI Shared Library Development: To promote independence among multiple applications and reduce reliance on specific UI frameworks like MaterialUI, I led the development of our custom UI library, empowered by a tailored webpack configuration. This change has resulted in a notable improvement in codebase maintainability and extensibility.
  • Declarative User Interaction: I introduced a declarative approach to interact with users, simplifying the codebase and minimizing boilerplate code in parent components.
Javascript Engineer @ PLVision
Javascript Engineer @ JetRuby Agency
Jr. Javascript Engineer @ Wizzards
Junior Mobile and Web developer @ Awiosapps
Game Developer @ BlacksworD


TypeScript · React · react-query
Nextjs · Fastify · Express ·
JS ecosystem
Redux · Apollo · Ramda · react-hook-form · ECharts
Sass · css-in-js (emotion, styled-components) · MUI
PostgreSQL · NoSQL · Redis
webpack · microfrontends(single-spa, own implementation)
Docker · Shell · AWS · CI/CD


Ukrainian (native)
English (B2)


M.Sc. ITRE. Department of Semiconductor Electronics @ LPNU
2017 – 2019
B.S.E. ITRE. Department of Semiconductor Electronics @ LPNU
2013 – 2017